Osteopathy was born in the United States on June 22, 1874, in Kirksville, Missouri. It then crossed the ocean to the United Kingdom in 1917, before entering France in the 1960s, where it has undergone considerable development. These three leading osteopathic nations needed a common association.

The Franco-American and British Osteopathic Association (AFABO) serves as a strong and essential link between osteopaths who adhere to Anglo-Saxon philosophy, concepts, and professional ethical standards.

Who are osteopaths?

AFABO welcomes all osteopaths wishing to share its values of excellence and conviviality through co-option, following the examination of their application. This approach promotes the establishment of a community dedicated to the promotion and ongoing development of quality osteopathy.

This close collaboration among professionals sharing similar objectives strengthens AFABO’s collective expertise, helping to enhance its reputation in the field of osteopathy.

What's the objective?

The association publishes newsletters and bulletins, organizes post-graduate training programs, and holds an annual congress, with the aim of promoting exchanges among practitioners at the national level.

The fundamental objective of the association is to facilitate collaboration and communication among its members, thereby strengthening cohesion within the larger AFABO family.

AFABO also has an international dimension through its affiliation with the Institute of Osteopathy (IO), the largest association of osteopaths in Europe. As a member of AFABO, you automatically gain international membership status with IO, with access to many of the benefits offered by this UK-based professional association.

What’s more, AFABO is closely linked to the American birthplace of osteopathy, A.T. Still University in Kirksville, Missouri and the AAO, the prestigious American Academy of Osteopathy, which brings together American osteopaths loyal to the original osteopathic philosophy. Many AFABO members have been welcomed in Kirksville and have had the opportunity to participate in various congresses across the Atlantic.

AFABO, the osteo association you need |

Join AFABO! You’ll be part of an international community dedicated to promoting quality osteopathy based on original concepts.


Follow the latest French-American and British osteopathic news on our website and social networks, without having access to AFABO's knowledge sharing and exclusive information.

Appartenir à une communauté d’esprit ostéopathique ouverte sur le monde et avoir accès à toutes les informations de notre association. Rejoignez l’AFABO, le lien idéal pour vivre l’ostéopathie avec un grand « O » !


What are the benefits?
Establish national and international contacts
Interacting with osteopaths true to the original ethic
Sharing proven know-how and soft skills
Join a global professional community

AFABO, Béziers, France